A quick view of industry specific problems solved with design by the awesome team at Logocent.
By filling in this form for us you’ll provide a useful overview of everything you want from your site and help you think about things you may not have considered. Please fill in as much of this form as you can
but feel free to leave a field blank if it doesn’t apply to you. Once we have the information we can begin putting together designs to meet your specifications and get your company online. If you have any questions, or need advice about an item in this brief, please call our technical team on (844) 377-1125
The following information will strictly be used for order fulfillment, and to have a clear understanding of your business; it will not at all be distributed to any third party/service vendor by us.
Your input is valuable to us, and we strongly encourage you to brief as much as you can. However, we will be corresponding with you at every step of the process even after receiving this document as a website varies enormously in content & functionality. Any future alterations to the following specifications will be subject to additional charges or mutual understandings. Carefully submit your details as it would be the building blocks
1. Please provide any information which you think we might need to know, which hasn’t been covered
in your answers?
for our design work. Feel free to leave fields blank if not applicable. In case of any concerns that you would like
to discuss over the phone related to this form, call us at (844) 377-1125, Note: After design approval and during the
development phase you cannot ask for stop your project, no refunds will be applicable.