Contact information

7901 4th St. N STE 6972 St. Petersburg, FL 33702

We are available 24/ 7. Call Now. +1 (727) 241-4886
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In-Depth Social Media Marketing Services Under One Roof!

SMM requires services such as creative and content, advertising, influencers, social listening, community management, and a definitive strategy to make it work. LogoCent being a social media agency offers all the required services and turns online channels into a goldmine for your business.

Bring your business to the spotlight. Win customer interactions, engagements, trust, recognition, and connections essential for your business growth.

Know your audience’s desires and demands. Understand them better using their comments and offer solutions to meet their needs.

Locate your audience and start interacting with them on the platform they are available. Use one or more platforms to build a true social media presence.

Request A Quote For SMM.

    Pricing and Packages As Per
    Your Project Requirements.

    Get social media advertising and related services from LogoCent. Choose the packages according to your requirement and budget plan.

    Small Business

    $355 / per month
    • 3 postings per week (per network) Facebook + Twitter + Instagram + Google+
    • Content Creation
    • Business Page Optimization
    • Social Media Strategy (Overview)
    • Facebook Likes Campaign
    • Monthly Progress report
    • Copy Writing

    Medium Business

    $555 / per month
    • Copywriting & Visual designs
    • Business Page Optimization
    • Ad Campaign Management
    • Spam monitoring
    • Monthly Progress report
    • 5 postings per week Facebook + Twitter + Instagram + Google+
    • Reputation Management
    • Social Account Setup
    • Content Creation
    • Social Media Hearing
    • Query and comments reply